Meeting with lovely stranger in Baltimore?


May 15, 2008
I have been in contact with a lovely women I met on the internet for 1 month of constant conversations. We get along really well, we have had hour long video chats and messages. Before i met her i planned to go to Baltimore to meet some family friends. So we have arranged to meet up around christmas time. I dont want to sound crude but i really do want to have sex with her i think she is perfect. I will only be in town for a few days...Any advice???
Tell, her you like her, don't go straight into sex. And also be careful, she might just be nice to you to have sex or to use you and might be a pedophile.
Yeah. Don't go into it with that mentality. That dog ain't gonna hunt. Show up like "hi this is my first time meeting you in person, you're really pretty, i like you a lot, I wanna bone you" is pretty much the worst idea you could have.

@Michael he WANTS to have sex with her, so her being a pedo or using him for sex isnt too big an issue.
i would definitely not have sex with her when you see her in baltimore this time. urges are urges you cant let them get the best of you. please have self control and don't go all the way with someone who you have no background knowledge of except for what she told you.