Meeting Girlfriends dad for the first time..?


New member
Mar 19, 2009
I am 14 and on Friday i might go to my girlfriend's house, and I will have to meet her dad. She told me that he is not a people person, impatient, always looks mean, and yells a lot. haha. What should I do when i meet him? And how can i get him to like me atleast a little bit?
strong handshake= confident person , it is hard to break down a confident person :)

show that you are respectful, use manners... answer his questions with a thought out answer. be ready for questions, he WILL grill you.

haha relax dont be overly stressed, GOOD LUCK
act real sweet and loving and make him think that his daughter is your only thing that you will ever care about and you will never hurt her
Be respectful and polite. Just use proper manners. Going to meet someone like that can be a little nerve-racking but i'm sure it wont be horrible, also try not to think about it too much. It may go better than you think.
Good Luck!
Walk straight up to him, look him right in the eyes with complete confidence, shake his hand FIRMLY, and let go after a very brief one. Introduce yourself, refrain from commenting on his daughter at ALL costs, unless he asks you a direct question. He is very protective, like most fathers. Give him no reason NOT to trust you. When he speaks, you listen with the utmost attention, if it is a difficult question about his daughter, such as. "You don't plan to have sex do you?" You look him straight in the eye and tell him you respect her too much. If your eyes shift away, it will give the impression of you being un trustworthy. BE YOURSELF, but incredibly respectful. If you pretend to be someone your not, he will think you're a liar, and a fake and will never trust you.
yes its always good meeting the girls dad.
it puts you in a good spot. especially at that age.
also bonding with him can gain more trust.
good luck:]