Meanest thing you have ever said

a kid in my cooking class in 11th grade got arrested and expelled for telling a jewish kid in our cooking group that "if you dont stfu im going to slit your f'ing throat and throw u in this oven" all while holding a paring knife.

as for me, at work this new guy was sitting down in the employee area and the girl was writing him a note, and i was like "why the fuck are u retards writing eachother notes", she flips out and calls me an asshole. I then find out hes deaf and shes helping him get started. I felt pretty stupid. But he couldnt hear me so who cares.
(4:19:21 AM) kufi: it wold b fucked up if u didnt
(4:19:48 AM) guy: i tell u what "fucked up" i have a long list u wanna hear it?????
(4:19:59 AM) kufi: sure
(4:20:09 AM) guy: ok dokey then
(4:23:46 AM) guy: your lack of grammer your lack of common sense the plain fact that you ask these random questions right after trying and failing at making me jealous and if you new me you would no i dont get jealous and i dont "curse ppl out" as you say so go ahead try your worst revert to a primordial logic
(4:23:52 AM) guy: that about it
(4:25:11 AM) kufi: :( but the way u feel about someone is more important then any of tht
(4:25:42 AM) guy: please for the love of evoultion and loogic dont tell me u just said that
(4:26:19 AM) kufi: fuck u guy
(4:26:36 AM) guy: congratulations the stupid thing ive heard since whats the number for nine one one
(4:26:52 AM) kufi: if u never fuckin liked me just say it
(4:27:09 AM) guy: i did but thats not the answer
(4:27:25 AM) guy: the answer is not just a 3 or 2 letter word
(4:27:30 AM) guy: and btw
(4:27:45 AM) guy: (4:23:46 AM) guy try your worst revert to a primordial logic
(4:27:47 AM) guy: i called it

i fell kinda of bad about that so ST tell me is htat to harsh
i dont know who's who, but im guessing you both dropped out of high school, and skipped most of your english classes.
ya it was in art class and he took an xtacto knife and cut me with it, should've seen that comming form a black person
No, you fail because you made fun of somebody else's grammar, yet you have the grammar of an illegal Cuban. You fail.
Got invited to go camping with a buddy of mine the other night, and one of the kids there was religious. His dad is the minister of the church about 5 minutes from my house. He was also a real asshole. I forget what set me off, but I just said "You know, god might love you, but everybody here thinks your a cunt".

He didnt really say much the rest of the night.
It wasnt me, but my friend was getting mad at this kid and said "Nobody likes you, your adoped."

He really is adopted
In gym class I hit a girl in the head with a volleyball and she thought it was the retarded kid that always fucks with her and she punched him in the face.

I told this jew joke in front of this jew kid. how do you know a jews house on christmas? There is a parking meter on the roof. he ran away.

One of the worst.
In front of a group of african americans talking about how hard their life is and how white people have it easy. I said "shutup if it wasnt for us you would be over in africa eating bugs and dying of aids. That was not pleasant...
recently i was walking down I hallway and this kid who thinks he is super gansta(mexican) bumps into me because he was walking backwards. So i pushed him off of me and he says, "Hey mayne watch you bumpin into me for". So I said "You had better watch out there is a white man walking here.

Thats just my most recent one.