Me and my fiance are constantly arguing over trivial stuff what do i do?


New member
Jun 10, 2008
me and my fiance are having some trouble where she feels that our relationship isn't going Very well. We keep getting into fight over the stupid little thing and i feel like its pointless. some times when something doesnt go like we planned such as i get called into work or i have to do something else she get mad at me for something that was totally out of my control. other time when i forget to do something or do something she doesnt like she slaps me not hard but enough to sting and i mean it doesnt hurt but it still makes me feel like she doesnt care whether or not she hurts me. i do love her dearly and want to be with her but i dont know how to fix what is wrong with our relationship as it is any help would be appreciated. Thank you in advanced for any answers i know it was long.