Maybe I'm heartbroken... it's a rant, but I'm asking for advice on getting over her.?


May 17, 2008
I've known this girl for a little over a year, we went out, broke up, and are now bittersweet towards each other.

I'm a jealous guy, but I'm willing to change and negotiate, but I don't take angered people very well.

She thinks that I think of her as a whore, slut, etc. I don't.

Before I dated her, I had a fling with someone I met on vacation, in Vegas
(keep in mind we both knew we liked each other)
So yeah, the first month went well, but soon after, I told her because I could not lie to her.
First real argument, and she even considered breaking up with me then and there, but she didn't. She said she still loved me, and she'd want to be with me forever. Well, two months or so later, she broke up with me, blaming trust issues because I'm also a quiet guy and she always thinks that something is wrong. There was never anything wrong.

A week after she broke up with me, she wanted to be "friends with benefits" that kiss and hug and all, and I was hoping that we'd get back together. We did, happily, but not for long. A week after, she broke up with me over text, again.

After wards, she tells me of how she almost kissed the first guy I was jealous of, and how she loved to kiss her other friend on the cheek every day. After Spring Break, she told me of her fun times on a cruise including kissing two more guys. Naturally, I got a little mad.

During my mad mood, I went and told my best friend of the ex's fortunes.

Soon after, the ex found out what I said, and got mad enough to walk up to me. Our conversation wasn't exactly sweet and curse words flew from her mouth like who knows what, and she threatens to slap me the next time she sees me.

After the breakups, I've been a horrible person, ignoring her texts, ignoring her calls, but I always kept eye contact with her when she was in person.

I can't exactly get over her, but I can't blame her for breaking up with me...
I've tried keeping her out of sight, I've been talking to my friends, making new ones, getting closer to other ones, been getting better at singing and guitar, focused on my studies, image, talking skills, and I've been working out too.

I just can't seem to stop thinking of her, or getting her out of my life. It hurts. My heart hurts.

She also believes that I don't care. She's also said that she doesn't like me anymore, she doesn't miss me, and that she simply can't stand me.


I don't exactly know what I want from her, I just want the pain to end.


1.Why did she tell me of the things she did with other people,

2.What does slapping mean to a girl?

3.How do I get over her, considering all of the things I've already done?


I'm 14, keep that in mind, please.
She wants to slap my face, hehe
Thanks for calling her a skank, but I need advide on getting over her, I believe that I loved her very much...
We talked day after day and never a dull moment over the summer of being just friends, before we went out, that's mostly why I loved her so much...
Aand, should I let her slap me, or block/dodge it?
And erm... what do I say to her if she walks up to me again?
Ehh, I'm trying to be nice to her so she doesn't get any more mad.. I already told her that I don't want to see her again, but she got upset because of that, too..... and I guess so ;)
So, what she wants from me is for me to just suffer and be jealous? is this typical?
Well, I wouldn't want to think about her still wanting me, I mean, she got mad so easily, I'm so confused...
Yeah, and even today I felt like chasing after her again, before she mentioned slapping... It's so confusing...

And I feel it could be easier if we IM'd or something :3
yeah, she's younger, and she has a lot of friends, or at least, people she hug... >.>
Yeah, I'll wait, I'm looking forward to it :)
you seem like such a nice person...
Thanks for your commitment :)

and well, how will we get contact on Sunday?
Okay, I'll e-mail you right now :)

Best answer for sure! :3
yeah, sure thing :)
mm well the choice is up to you, I've already got my prize ;P
mm no, but she might come back up again, I might need you again... :3
yeah, I stay at school after it ends, and so does she... And it's a pretty small school...
heh, I already sent you an e-mail, I don't have an AIM or anything like that :3
Huh? apple juice? before what? I'm confused :3
So yeah, I IM'd you o:
Well, I guess when she decides to talk to me again, anyways, maybe you could tell me about your situation, too :)
Well you said you were in a similar situation so maybe I could help you out too :)
yeah, that makes sense... How could he let go of you so easily... you don't deserve the constant heartbreaks, I'm pretty sure there's always a feeling of loneliness after a break up and I guess we should be prepared for that...
But, you love him right? Why do you love him? Why don't you like him? Does the love for him outweigh the things you don't like about him? is it worth it? uhh 20 questions :3
oh wow, I'd hope that doesn't happen to me, I find myself talking sweetly a lot of times, and I'm sometimes I'm not too sure to why a girl likes me... ._.

But yeah, anyone could say those words, and it's kind of scary when you think of it... I don't know :3

and yay! friend! :3

haha ;)
ohh no problem, and hey, I feel needed now too :)
and I hope I'll be a good friend to you and treat you well :)
ohh wow.. I'm so glad I asked my question... :3
but uh, it's getting late, IM/e-mail me ;)
1. because she wanted to hurt you
2. you're an asshole in her opinion, therefore she will let you know via her open palm

I'm not even answering that last one. Listen, you're fourteen years old. There are going to be lots of women in your life, why bother with someone who is clearly only interested in playing games with you anyway?
1. Okay im not sure if she did that when she was with you, but it sounds like when you were apart. She wants you to be jealous and feel like she has already moved on. BIG sign of immaturity.

2. A slap, like it does to everyone.

3. You get over her by realizing a few simple facts:
i) You are only 14 and got involved with a very young girl who is immature...What did you expect?
ii)SHE IS RIDICULOUSLY IMMATURE: and shes not over you at all..... she went out of her way to tell you all the stuff shes done, and if she really didnt care about you or miss you anymore, she wouldnt bother saying that. She would just not even talk about it.

Only time heals wounds like this, and the best thing to do is let the pain in and deal with it as best you can. After a while you will begin to understand how the relationship fell apart, what you could have done better, and what she didnt give you in the relationship that you needed. This way, the next time you get into a relationship, you have a better image of what you want in a girlfriend and how you yourself can be a better boyfriend. Look at it like a learning experience, and dont regret anything that once made you happy.
your 14. dont get so worked up believe me been there done that.
1. sometimes when girls tell you things like that its to be a bitch. other times its because they are completely honest which is good
2. depends on what slapping.. like when she smacks your arm or something..that type is good.
3. get rid of everything that meant something to you two. it sucks but itll do it.
She sounds like a b*tch. Get over her by telling yourself "am I gonna let that b*tch make me feel like this"

Time will heal all emotional wounds if you do not like my first bit of advice
i dont know u but i know u deserve better...i dont see y u feel bad(unless u left something out)shes the one who should feel guilty(and probly does)
1. she told u to make u think shes totally over u and "proud of it"
2. its just the first rude thing that came to mind, it means...omg, im so embarrassed
3. think about the things she did to u...u werent even "together" when what u did happened...and ignoring her calls and texts is TOTALLY normal...i would do that too!
4. go find a new girl, ur 14 ull get over me:)
good luck