Marriage/long term relationships and the world/generations today?


Jun 1, 2008
I just recently was broken up with by the girl that I thought I would spend the rest of my life with. She stirred feelings that I've never felt before. I wanted to be with her and when the time came we wanted to have a home, children (maybe), marriage, and a lovely life together. I've had relationships in the past and none felt this way. She left me because she is "restless with life" and I don't fault her for that. She doesn't want to "be responsible" like she tried to be when she was with me. She wants to go back to and continue drinking, drugs, clubbing even at the age of 30. She wants to get up and drop her one real and steady job that shes only been on payroll for a year for. She actually told me this. She says she still loves me, but it made me wonder.

With people the way they are now a days is marriage valid or reasonable anymore?

It seems to me the majority of marriages fail. Are we as a society changing in our thought process and being more picky with our spouses or less likely to stay long term with one person? Are we only hearing about the failed marriages/relationships? Is marriage a necessary part to keep the relationship secure? Like locks that keep honest people, honest?

Quite honestly after this relationship I've felt like I was duped. She said a lot of things that I'm not sure if she really felt. We were together a year and half. She doesn't have a great track record (in hindsight) because she's going on 30 and doesn't have her life together or know what makes her happy. But I don't know if I'll actually trust someone again who says these things.