Maple Leafs fan brings ?Toronto Stronger? sign to Game 3 vs. Bruins, invites internat


Jun 17, 2007
The Boston Bruins helped their city’s healing process after bombings at the Boston Marathon killed three people and injured well over 250 more. Their first game after the tragedy featured a stirring rendition of the National Anthem, “WE ARE BOSTON!” chants and a video montage themed to the slogan “Boston Strong.”

Well, one Toronto Maple Leafs fan felt all of this was fair game for Stanley Cup Playoffs smack talk, showing up to Game 3 of their series with Boston with this sign:

Well, the ribbon’s a bit much.

To the surprise of no one, the backlash on social media was immediate and vicious towards this fan. Even Toronto radio host Jeff Blair felt the sign was idiotic.

And it is. And tasteless. And disrespectful to what the city went through, and what the victims continue to go through.

Even as a guy who doesn’t need to hear the national anthem at a sporting event or ever seen another war veteran used on the Jumbotron to strategically pump up the crowd during the game, the notion that “Boston Strong” should be fair game is more than a little nauseating.

We’re two days removed from a man who lost both legs in the bombing being honored before Game 2, and this is what we see at Game 3.

Wonder if this guy showed up at a Yankees/Blue Jays game in 2001 with a sign depicting a pair of middle fingers as the falling Twin Towers …

s/t Version Forty for the image