MAP: The Novel

"Look" said a random guy who happened to be going past "you're doing this all anus about face. I know how this one goes. Pick your 7 samurai and have done with. sheesh"
Then he tripped drunkenly over his own feet and down the cellar stairs to land at the panda girl's feet " Boy, you're a cutie" she said
That is nothing you should see my six friends he said (in an attempt to get the thread back on track)

"What the hell is this?" the Bar owner asked, looking at the drunken random and the jockstrap weilding maniac "I'm looking for decent warriors for the Panda, 7 is a good number... but at least I would expect is the Spanish Inquisition..."
When all of a sudden, out of nowhere, jumped three men dressed in crimson priest robes and as they cried out " Noone expects the Inquisition" they laughed maniacally
Unebeknown to the barkeep, they were class 3 warrior priests. They proceeded to incinerate the 7 samurai warriors. The Panda looked on in awe, chewing her bamboo/staff. NaughtyKnight grabbed it from her, claiming it was his "get my wood out your mouth" he cried.
"god damn it" said one of the warriors. "That's the fifth time this month" then he died.
Wow, you all have such short attention spans you fickle lot! Didn't think you would get bored that quickly!
She went directly home, and put the dead dog in the closet, along with the other roadkill she had collected that week, including 5 armadillo, 3 cats, 2 snakes, and a dog named Fluffy.
Then she sits down to a tramps banquet of roadkill and cheap cider drunk from a brown paper bag.

Just as she prepares to take that first tantalising taste of dead dog soup, scratching.....scratching at the window......

In the distance...a dog barks.
It was in fact several dogs. The pack wanted revenge for their dead comrade who had been turned into soup. They messed her up.
So she put on several inches of makeup and baggy clothes and went back out to work the streets, after a filling meal of dead dog soup.
That's when she encountered Yohan, who was staggering home from a night of drinking.
Drunk and thus beer-goggled he called her over. "hey schweetpants, what's shay me and you get nastay?!"

She eyed him, all of a sudden Yohan soup seemed like a tastier alternative to the roadkill she was used to.

"sure thing, my place is just around the corner...."

neither of them realised they were being followed....
As they opened the door to her run down apartment, the pursuer made her presence known.

"You bastard" she cried, "how could you?"
"Baby - baby please, it's not what it looks like..I-I swear!"

He moved toward her, instinctively she flinched...."Dad, who is this tramp??"

"It's your mother...."