MAP Member Mind Avatar

I always see Frodocious as a chia pet thing. This is the fault of having an all powerful green username, and the first three letters being "fro." Sorry it's a Brittany Spears picture, not a lot of female Chia Pet characters in Google Images.
Aside from the colour, my hair does kind of look like that after wearing a helmet snowboarding!
Pic. # 1 - Karatesloth - for some reason I don't think of karate or a sloth. When Karatesloth first started posting about political ideals and opinions I felt like he was like some kind of gypsy or something (no idea why, I don't even know the political opinions of gypsies) and I always imagine an old gypsy house.

Pic. # 2 - Fish of Doom - He doesn't flash as any particular image, but I get a feeling that gets invoked from the Death Metal genre that's nostalgic for me. With the things he posts about he reminds me a lot of different people in my earlier life that did not adhere to the social norm or mainstream stuff, usually associated with Death Metal music.

Pic. # 3 - Boris the Blade - Borat (BORis) but with a sword.
So wait - you took "karate" and "sloth"...and ended up with "old gypsy house?!"
For Ero my brain made a messy mix between his avatar and the fact he is a marine, and this is what came out:
I think the problem I have is that I've met or seen on video the majority of the regular posters on the forum, so I don't pay much attention to their avatars or entertain another image.