MAP is awesome


Feb 18, 2008
I just felt like saying . . . . . MAP is really awesome. I have learned a lot here, and I am on it waaaaayy too much, lol. Many compliments to everyone who takes a part in running it!
Thank you Sparkle. Its always nice to hear compliments. Since we all do this for free, it makes it worth it when people are enjoying it.
well i tend to agree. I'm enjoy the forum here myself. Need to be abit more active myself. don't know anyone here yet. but a great place nonetheless.
Well, thank you very very much. I'm sure the longer you stay here the more you'll find to like. Just, remember, we're like a family here with all it's plusses and minusses.
*Jumps on Bandwagon*

ya man, the site got so much info on all these MA's I'm hardpressed to get out off Iexplorer to play my beloved Games

Props to the Mods/Admins for keeping everything civil around here.

*Hopps off Bandwagon*
Personally, I hate MAP. It's too addictive. If I'd taken all the time I spent on here and spent it doing some actual training, I'd probably be quite a good martial artist by now! Down with MAP! *

*Just kidding!
I never ass kiss but I must say I really like this site (i know it's it's been 2 years since I joined and not once I've said how good this site is (yes I said good, not great, but good )
But no, seriously, hats off to the mods for running such a smooth operation. MAP is a great environment for discussion once you become familiar with the ropes and get to know the politics (of which there isn't much, typically if you can survive past your first 50 posts you'll be fine). On a slightly lighter note (or off-note as the case may be): YARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!
I'd like to thank people like slipthejab too, who argue with absolutely everybody about anything and so make it interesting.
Seriously, y'all need a slogan to say how good MAP is.
Something like, MAP: What real Martial Artists have computers.
or MAP: Better than crack.