Many Injured in Explosions at Boston Marathon

It's interesting how the family usually of suspects never believe it could be true.


I hope they get this guy alive, to find out why they would do such a thing, and whether there were more people involved or those who knew about it
It's the same as when they interview a murderers neighbour , they always say they were "such a nice person" and "kept themselves to themselves" , never "they always seemed like a homicidal maniac !"
Depending upon his training, preparation and knowledge of the local environment he could be right under their nose still. Or he could be laying somewhere bled out or out of the scene. Now that they know who he is they should be able get to some of his clothing for scent purposes and can add tracking dogs to the search.

I have mixed feelings whether they really try to take him alive. Perhaps if they do they can get intell on who else was involved, were they trained and if so by who etc it would be worth the hassle.

This turd became a US citizen on Sept 11, 2012 and this how he pays us back! I suspect he hasn't been trained how to resist interrogation and being so young etc can be broken in a "legal" manner
Just pointing out the unspoken obvious kid. I admit I am notorious for it but even if its not popular it rocketed me up the corporate ladders. The unspoken elephant in the room almost needs to be addressed when you need to solve a problem otherwise he continues to squash you.
I do not agree with this group much at all but if this report is accurate, it is a serious over site.
Must be quite a cross to bear, thank you for your service.

In other news, I found the dude's facebook and well... this was a little ridiculous:

"Send a gift!"
47 photos of the manhunt in Watertown. Looks like something out of a Tom Clancy novel.

Manhunt in Watertown |
That FBI agent in number 4 looks like he should be in the middle east. Reuters seem to always get some great pictures on their stories.
Second suspect located--he was hiding in a boat on someone's property. Reports of gunfire and explosions and perhaps gas being deployed. At this point, they should have him in custody very soon, the only question is whether they'll be able to take him alive or not. Lockdown on Boston has been lifted (except for the direct vicinity of the firefight, of course).
Despite all the claims that I was looking for an argument I twice have been right in this thread. He was found bleeding out (hence finding him locally . This is a minor point

I also said he had clear ties to Muslim fundamentalism. Everyone else was dodging the key cause in the thread, This is why I get paid very well as a problem solver. As a trained depth psychologist we are trained to look for the root causes instead of the feel good supportive psychotherapy that predominates our modern culture. This could be seen as hubris on my part and it probably from an unconsciuious psychological aspect it is to some intent. However it is my hope that some or even one of you can begin to wake up from the years programming that has been done to your mind and begin to look at the world with all of your brain both deep and wide and learn to look for root causes.

In difference to requests I won't bring up the root cause that this terrorist act and gun control share on this particular

Live life with both an open mind and a deep mind your life cannot be both enriched and made more effective for our fellow man,
Does your arm ever get tired from patting yourself on the back? I don't think anyone has been unaware of the connection between the bombers and Islam, I think most of the folks in this thread just find using the tragedy to advance a political viewpoint to be distasteful. Hope this helps!