Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle"

Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle"

You didn't address 47MartialMan's first question--why is a gun club a safer place for guns to be stored than secured within the private residence of the owner? If all Medford residents were required to store all their handguns and rifles at the Medford Rifle & Pistol Club, and all their shotguns at the Medford Gun Club, you'd have a gun burglar's dream. You'd have two facilities, outside of the city limits (slow response times, no neighbors watching), with nobody there overnight, with hundreds of thousands of dollars of weapons inside ready to be stolen if you break in. Gun theft likely would skyrocket; it certainly wouldn't be eliminated.

With your plan, I'm seeing lots of headaches and downsides for lawful gun owners who properly secure their firearms in their own homes, and I'm not seeing the benefit to your plan besides a purely ideological one: it's one step closer to your ideal of civilians not owning firearms.
We can go around and around but here we have the 2nd amendment and it has been interpreted by our supreme court and has overwhelming support of the people.

Some changes may be agreed to but the majority will fight to limit those changes. We know there are risks involved with our freedoms. We will look at ways to reduce those risks with what we believe is reasonable (the majority) but we will still fight for those freedoms.

The fact that people from other countries don’t agree with those freedoms has no weight in the argument. You have a right to have your opinion and to shape your country the way you wish but we will shape ours as we see fit.

The fact is we don’t have to justify anything to anyone.

“Our house our rules, Your house your rules”.
Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle"

Fact is it was an American who started this discussion. Don't open a can of worms if you don't want to eat them.
Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle"

An American conducted an inflaofftopictory-but-nonviolent protest on school grounds to make a point about insufficient school security (not about private firearms ownership or storage). An American who was offended that he was arrested for that protest started this thread.

I don't see many Americans supporting your view that private citizens should not be allowed to store their firearms in their homes.

Loudly declaring that you're on the side of "common sense" and that everyone else in the thread is "eating worms" doesn't actually make it true.
Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle"

Any Americans have any views on this?
Am I the only one who finds it a bit disturbing that dissent is being silenced, or am I being ignorant about the definition of disorderly conduct? Any comments from people with knowledge of matters of law would be particularly welcomed.

I don't think his arrest is about silencing dissent. He walked into an elementry school with no buisness being there. Entering the school is not needed. Especially with something like a 2x4, which could easily be used as a weapon. I think he got what he deserved.
Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle"

I think you're overstating your powers of persuasion.
Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle"

The roads got busier...and it wasn't until people stop being held accountable for getting into many accidents that insurance became a big mandate

Speaking of child safety, my parents and all of the parents of friends and relatives did not have these and other such child proof locks or devices.

They were parents taking responsibility/accountability to oversee their kids. (People had Guns, Pit Bulls, open containers, etc., and it didn't make the liberal media news)

The problem with your "times had changed", is that people are not being held accountable or take the responsibility.

Instead, the world has changed to political correctness or a liberal position, and every time someone is look upon for their actions, the blame goes onto anything or anyone else. (Guns, Pit Bulls, Video Games, Movies, Peer Pressure, etc)

"Times had Changed", because the morals of family and/or dysfunctional families, tend to not be held accountable or take the responsibility.

And from this LACK OF responsibility/accountability, people look to the government to help. Which the government has its own hidden agendas

Sure, there were murders, and mass shootings going all the way back to the era of US Prohibition. But these were not done purposely by juveniles killing other juveniles

And that's the issue.

Juveniles killing juveniles...yep "Times had Changed",

Once someone had taken the mindset to kill people, nothing is going to prevent it, because crazy does not equate to unintelligent. In other words, that person is going to find a way. ITS HARD TO STOP CRAZY
Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle"

Yeah, but you don't have to go out of your way to make it easy either.

BTW I take exception to political correctness = liberal. I am a liberal and I see political correctness as just another form of fascist thought control with a new face. There are people on the left and right who think their's is the only right answer and will do what they can to limit independent thought.
Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle"

What do you think of when you say "political correctness"?

I think of a cultural movement that did quite a good job of removing overtly offensive racism, sexism and homophobia from public speech.

I take exception to labels like "liberal" or "conservative". I find them divisive and a barrier to rational thought.
Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle"

Because it's not like the US has ever tried to impose its will on another country...
Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle"

Ok I think this will fit into this thread as it's mostly about gun's and in particular assault weapons. I think the craziness is at it's pinnacle now. I knew the government was becoming tyrannical, overstepping, and just plain ignorant but this is getting out of hand.

EDIT: Just noticed this video was posted in 2010, I recant my statement "was becoming" to "has been", wow!
Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle"

I'm with you.
For me political correctness is about using inclusive and generally accepted language when talking about people so as not to alienate or offend them (either intentionally or not).
It's about finding out how people would like to be referred to by engaging with those people rather than just assuming.
It's about defining names and labels for groups of people from within that group rather than imposing that definition from without.

It doesn't mean you can't use other names and labels for people if you want to.
It just means you use those labels at your peril and shouldn't be surprised when you're called on it.

I honestly don't get why people are so against political correctness?
I think it's just a misguided attempt to define themselves as straight talking and upfront maybe?
Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle"

Actually in the US political correctness has gone beyond removing sexist, racist and homophobic language from public speech. It has included things like all cultures are equally valid and become a sort of group think where any type of disagreement becomes inappropriate.

I remember having a cultural diversity class (mandatory) that I had to take at work where we were being taught that all cultures are valid and the differences were simply misunderstandings. I annoyed the instructor by asking if the Nazi's were simply misunderstood and we totally overreacted with WW2.

These type of blanket pronouncements where everyone is expected to comply do more harm than good.
Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle"

Actually, that's just what right wing media organisations claim is political correctness. Just like the 'harmless childhood activity gets banned because of health & safety' stories have nothing to do with actual health and safety.
Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle"

Can something be done?

I think it may start off in the home.

That said, whatever people think maybe reiterate;

Crazy is going to happen.

This is like auto accidents.

You can have many laws about driving and yet people will drive and get into one

A auto insurance agent once told me, that in his field, they do not think there are accidents, just people whom caused a collision by not being in control.

Sounds like those people getting guns to murderl others..not being in control

Take away all guns from the planet, and people will still find a way to kill another

Almost recently, China had a madman stab many kids (I guess China is going to ban that certain knife he had used)
Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle"

Pointing a gun at someone and squeezing the trigger is not the same as an auto accident. As I pointed out earlier. The first step is to get the easy stuff sorted. Get the provision of mental health sorted out. Take it from there.

Whatever is done to improve the situation. Doing nothing will achieve nothing. So yes, something can be done.
Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle"

There is a saying in Al-anon that really applies here.

Nothing changes if nothing changes.
Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle"

Shooting someone and drinking/texting/distraction while driving are the same when there are victims involved.

Writing more laws will not help, because a criminal...well... is already a law breaker.

Provision of mental health. How?
Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle"

Nobody said "change nothing." We're just debating where to put our resources first and foremost.

In other news, a school shooting in Atlanta on Thursday was stopped by a SRO (school resource officer). The SRO disarmed the shooter with one wounded and none killed. The officer was part-time and was off-duty but happened to be on school grounds when the perpetrator opened fire. The school superintendant is now pushing for full-time SROs for all the schools in that district.
Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle"

I fail to see how a failed school shooting is a good thing or a positive for gun ownership?
But for an off duty guy that would have been ANOTHER school shooting.

The thing I keep coming back to is that if there were less guns in circulation IN THE FIRST PLACE there'd be less school shootings (and shootings of all sorts) and so no need for armed people in schools.
The problem now is that you can't return America to having less guns. It is what it is.
Having armed people patrolling the streets "just in case" is a patch on an already bad situation. IMHO a better solution iis to try and avoid that situation in the first place.