Making "dough"

Making "dough"

I would go to a catholic church.. get the preist to feel up on you some and get it on video some way.. the black mail his ass.. That is solid quick money and all you had to do is get your dick grabbed and maybe do some dick grabbing of your own.

And its not like people are going to not belive you since catholics are all pedophiles.
Making "dough"

You want money without working for it and a new used car?

Your post is full of paradoxes.

Leave now, and never come back!

edit: the catholic priest thing is not only a good idea, but it's still funny because it's not the most tired out joke thrown around nowadays :tdown:
Making "dough"

get atleast 3 friends, one with a pickup truck. Lawn mower weed wacker and chain saw and u have a landscaping business.$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Making "dough"

take a pen k? get a newspaper

take the pen and circle some jobs you might like in the newspaper, make your resume' and get an interview.

lol words from a 14 year old
Making "dough"

In all honesty, selling weed would be your best bet. Buy in bulk, pinch, sell, and reap the profits.
Making "dough"

get a job at blockbuster or somewhere easy with Air conditioning. iam gunna work at Cabelas, CVS, pizza place, or a oil company or and hvac company when iam 16 in a year.

No, i already have a job, but i need more money. I already own a car, but want another one, thus a "new" used car.