Made My Boss Cry Today (Serious)

good. Stand-up and use your powerstance

Seriously, back their shit down. It would be easier if you had all the techs in one area, and had your boss come in. then fucking explode and tell the techs what a shit job they are doing, and how they should all go die in a fire.
Haha, fuck letting her do it, she'd be all politically correct about it. All the techs are you stereotypical dorks, they think they know it all. Except they're all lazy as fuck. And on top of that, they give everybody attitude, doesn't matter who you are. But the sad thing is I know a lot more than a majority of them, and their job really isn't hard.
You sound really immature, refusing to talk to your boss and all. Grow the fuck up, get a different job if you can't make ends meet on it. Is it really that difficult to understand?
Why wouldnt you just look for a different job if you knew that u couldnt make ends meet? Hell someone with your skills in tech could get a better job with flexible hours if you would only take the time to look.
So tonight I had another horrible night, a coworker was 2 hours late to work, and then on top of that he didn't do shit all night and he'd disappear without saying anything to me. I sent my boss an email documenting what had happened. It was insanely busy yet again, and I had no help even with someone else there. I couldn't tell him to get his sorry ass to work because I couldn't find him, he kept walking around doing his own shit.

She said:
I obviously have student worker problems. I do apologize for all that you have gone through this semester and the last couple of days. Please be patient while I work out some of the issues.

As you know, I have put a freeze on hiring because there are more than enough students who want/need the hours and it doesn't make since to keep adding more people.

Thank you for your hard work and dedication.

I'm thinking about sending

OK I have been told by numerous coworkers and you that you’re not hiring anymore. I get it. But why should I give the students my good charity anymore? It’s like no matter what I do it doesn’t matter, I should just bring my noise canceling headphones to work and bury my head in the computer like everybody else seems to.
my god say some more, go on.. i would of thought this is that 'loser kid'posting another thread but seriously, im sorry.

geeksquad is hiring :dodgy: