Machina Gadgets Deck Rate/Fix?


Active member
May 15, 2008
I'm thinking of building myself a Machina deck, seeming as all I'd need to buy is 3 Machina Mayhem decks, 3 Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragons and 2 Geartowns, I'd have all the rest of the cards. But I was wondering how this is for a Decklist?

Monsters: 20

Machina Fortress x 3
Machina Gearframe x 3
Red Gadget x 2
Green Gadget x 2
Yellow Gadget x 2
Cyber Dragon x 2
Cyber Valley x 2 (For draw power, seeming as PoD doesn't work so great in this deck)
Scrap Recycler (More draw power, and it gets me my Gadgets/Gearframes back)
Ancient Gear Gajiltron Dragon x 3 (Big beat stick, good effect, stupidly easy to summon and easy discard for Fortress)

Spells: 11

Geartown x 2
Smashing Ground x 2
Mystical Space Typhoon x 2
Pot Of Avarice
Heavy Storm
Dark Hole
Book Of Moon
Monster Reborn

Traps: 9

Compulsory Evacuation Device x 2
Bottomless Trap Hole x 2
Dimensional Prison x 2
Mirror Force
Torrential Tribute
Solemn Judgment

Then just an Extra deck of Chimeratech Fortress Dragon (For Karakuris) and rank 4 xyz monsters.

I've been playtesting it on duelingnetwork and it's been doing pretty good, but I was wondering if I've missed anything important in the deck?

Cheers guys
But then it wouldn't be suitable discard material to bring back Machina Fortress from the graveyard...