Luckiest bastard alive!


New member
Mar 1, 2008
I particularly enjoyed the comment, "What the , that's like winning the lottery on your birthday without buying a ticket while eating blueberry pancakes."

‪EXCLUSIVE: Mila Kunis Says She`ll Accompany U.S. Marine to Corps Ball‬‏ - YouTube

Here's the original request video:

YouTube - ‪Mila Kunis agrees to date with a Marine‬‏

You don't ask, you don't get!
Well its a great way for her to show her support for the military and its awesome for him. The chances of an average idiot like myself to get a hot date like her is directly proportional to the amount of money you have.
He is only half lucky. He is still a active Marine

He would be more lucky if he got the date, got a honorable discharge, and won a multi-million lotto
Nope, he is a very lucky guy. Even if it's a pleasant dinner then he's still the guy who got a date with Mila Kunis. That's pretty sweet.
Yeah. He gets to date her because the sad thing in her mind is he maybe dead in a few months.

This is a sympathy date, and she may have done it for a publicity stunt

Besides, she isn't that great
Ive had two long term relationships with hot chicks one is my sons mother and i swear never again they are useless, i have a great kind hearted ethnic girl now that is not ugly but not a supermodel and i wouldn't swap her for anyone she would do just about anything for me.
how dare yooouuu :p

lol but to be honest i wouldn't care if it was for publicity i'd be on a date with mila kunis, you never know what could happen, i'm not sayin he is gonna get laid but they could get on and keep in touch!! trippy seeing this posted on here i just watched this on youtube :p
I didn't watch the whole clip, so forgive me if I've missed the point at all; but I must say that getting balled by the Marine Corps is a perhaps a slightly extreme way of demonstrating your love for the USA?
Yeah its a sympathy/publicity thing but its still a nice experience for him and I imagine he didn't/doesn't expect her to spread her legs for him over it. Its just a fun story, why couldn't some of you just leave it at that?
I'm more or less permanently injured (technically while on duty)...if that counts and I get a date with Mila Kunis (or UK equivalent of) then let the sympathy fly!
I'm shocked by the comments from some of you saying Mila Kunis isn't that hot. Utterly shocked. So shocked in fact I may cry. Oh look I just did. But then I look at the poster of Mila's face taped to my blow up doll and I feel right as rain.

That is all.