Love Honour and Obey

Apr 17, 2009
Go on then, I'm opening the worms.

Women, would you say this in wedding vows?
Men, would you expect a woman to say them?
Is it an outdated concept?

What's the view round here? I'm fairly undecided. Guess it would depend on how stubborn I'd feel...
I never exchanged this vow with my Wife when we were married. I don't see a problem with this vow as long as both sides respect and love one another EQUALY!!!
Oh I dunno... here in Asia - it's rather common to have a second wife. So in the interest of harmony... I don't know that making any 'obey' agreements is all that swift of a move. Surely it's bound to make one or the other upset. I'd just edit that clause out of the vows and get on with it.
IF I ever got married it wouldnt be in a religious ceremony anyway,would go for a civil ceremony,without the whole "obey" bit!
If I liked someone enough to marry them, something as trivial as this wouldn't make the slightest bit of difference.
Love and honour is more than enough for me Rhea. 'Obey' is outdated and obsolete for our society (at least in the developed nations).

To me love and honour say it all, it means respect and it can mean sometimes either partner 'obeys' the other in certain circumstances. There is a place for 'obedience' or I'd rather say 'total trust' in a relationship where you give an instruction and its followed (usually for safety reasons).

Personally doubt I'll ever get married, so don't really care one way or the either.
[Whole bigger can o' worms]

What matter what your saying? In case 'God' will strike you down for disobeying your marriage oaths? Oh noes, quick! Look at all those aldulterers walking around just waiting to be struck down.

Marriage vows mean as much as the paper they are written on, and thats not much.

[/Whole bigger can o' worms]
I agree, what you mutter and scrawl is meaningless. It's what's in your heart that matters.

Marriage is a commitment to working together for a better life. Whatever that life might mean to two people.
Personally, it doesnt phase me really. I dont expect my wife to be my slave, we are free individuals, so there is no real reason to have the "obey" part in the vows.
LMAO - see ay gotta be subtle about it, gradually build it into your daily lives, that way she doesnt notice, and if your good enough, you can make it all seem like it was her idea in the first place!
I hope to never get married, its all tears and heartache in today's cruel cruel world...
Ah don't worry; marriage is great, although it does interfere with your dating a little.

I think most modern ceremonies use love honor and cherish. (Darn new fangled vows! )