Losing a little faith in Christianity leaning towards Judaism?


New member
Dec 19, 2008
No offense to Christians (including myself) but it seems Jews usually win biblical arguments and heated arguments. I only seen 2 Christians who actually made legitimate arguments where Jews couldn't really reply. Other than that...
@Carlos: Are u a Christian or Judaism?
You could be a Noahide. It's what Jews think gentiles are supposed to be. Same God, fewer rules.
You should look into Islam, it's actually a beautiful religion which is hard to believe because of the bad press it gets. But yeah, look into other religions, you never know you might find something that appeals to you and makes sense more to you
The Christian story makes no sense. Why would a god that is powerful enough to take people up to heaven have to send his son down to get tortured on a cross to be able to do that.

Do what you consider to be right. But, investigate Judaism too. Does their god make sense to you? But, you don't need anyone's permission.
Christianity is just the same story as Judaism with a sequel and a new hero. You won't be gaining or losing much.