Looking to build a top-end home theater PC?


New member
May 1, 2011
I've come into a bunch of excess money and am finally ready to build myself a home theater pc. I don't know where to begin as far as picking hardware though so I'm looking for any tips or links that might help me.

I basically want this:
- Dedicated XBMC setup, linux probably that I can boot from a remote
- Runs silently (harddrives, fan, processors, etc)
- Flawlessly streams 8+GB Blu-ray rips (I cannot stress this part enough!!!)
- HDMI with 1080P and surround sound
- Loads of HD space (2TB or more)
- Wireless, so I can just drag and drop files from my mac on to the unit
- Bluetooth so I can connect my ps3 or similar remote, as well as connect a ps3/xbox controller for gaming
- Something that will boot up very quickly (or more likely wake up from/go to sleep)

So like I said, any tips are welcome. There's loads of info out there I know, but it's all fairly outdated and what I want most is flawless playback, smooth XBMC navigation, minimal delay loading files, stuff like that.
You want a Nvidia Ion with dual core atom processors. VDPAU is the most reliable method of HD playback on linux.

I would start with this board and add on top of it

(wireless with an adapter, Bluetooth with an adapter)


for n-wireless (blutooth with USB adapter)

2GB of rame should suffice


4GB to handle anything


Hard drive, green for low power consumptions and less noise


Throwh in a good case


And you've got it made. You cant throw in a optical drive of your choice (dvd -25$ blueray -$80) or mount a second hard drive ($120)

the Bluetooth adatper


So $460 to fit your specs. 490 to add dvd 540 for blue-ray (which doesn't work perfectly in linux) &580 to get an adapter and add a second hard drive.

There are no fans on this system so it will be almost silent.