Looking for an audiophile to explain auto subwoofers a bit and also how to get the


May 13, 2008
best Punch.? I by no means have an awesome audio set up in my car i have some simple aftermarket speakers and an aftermarket cd player, i dont mind the highs of the music i play but i would like to get a good punch out of a sub, i know the basics of setting one up but im wondering what encasements pack the best punch and if there is a certain subwoofer that is best for this, im looking to spend under 75 for the sub alone. also i have a bazooka case but again i dont know what case is the one that give you that thumping punch instead of that low hummy sound, thnx!
The thump comes from a ported box. You'll have to get a box tuned correctly for your sub or you'll destroy it. The information should be on the manufacturer's web site - if not call them and see what they suggest. The box is the biggest bang for your buck.

Get the largest diameter sub you can. More surface area = more air displacement.

Get the sub with the most vertical travel you can. This is usually called 'Linear Excursion' or 'XMax'. Again, more displacement.

And of course higher RMS power handling never never hurts.