Long lasting diarrhea that's gradually getting worse?


New member
May 31, 2008
Hello, about a month ago I developed some mild diarrhea right after some meals. I chalked it up to eating too greasy/bad foods, a problem I've had off and on ever since I got my gallbladder taken out years ago. However it's persisted and gradually increased in frequency and severity. The last 3 days it's gotten much worse and very quickly. It's as if the problem is moving upwards too, I'm starting to experience painful cramping, nausea, and it's not just after meals. It's no longer easily controlled with over the counter meds. I'm not dehydrated, running a fever, or show any signs of other illness. No one around me has been ill and I have limited contact with people. I know I should go to the doctor but short of immediate life threatening problems it's not really an option. Any ideas of what's going on?