Lol what does it mean when a guy says...?


New member
Jun 11, 2011
okay so I was textin this guy and I said do you wear skinnys? And he said helllsss yes. I can even send you a pic and I said lol lets see and he said I have two but one is inappropriate. Lol what's this dude talkin bout? And why would he just volunteer to send me a pic of him wearin skinnys?
...because some guys do that thinking it's impressive. Why??? only they know.
He LIKES you. And i think the other skinnys are too skinny..i dont think a guy should even own skinny skinny jeans.
I think this guy is being funny and upbeat. He is offering you so that he can then mention the fact that one is inappropriate which subliminally suggests that he is wild and free. Its also mysterious because he can't send you the inappropriate one which leaves you guesing what is inappropriate which kind of forces you to keep asking what is inappropriate which he will then respond no I can't show you! Its inappropriate just messing with you more.