Loch Ness


Apr 10, 2008
Question for the UK posters. Do you think the Loch Ness monster is real, imaginary, or the product of too much whiskey on a saturday night?
I grew up in a country larger than the United States and has far less people. A country with more wilderness than most of Europe has total land mass, a country with more wildlife than the UK could imagine and there are no monsters here i know of. So id be very suprised if Nessie is real.
I remember camping with my parents up by Loch Ness when I was about 3/4 and waking up during the night and seeing a very large shape passing by my tent. I was sure it was Nessie at the time but looking back it was probably someone walking past on their way back from the pub
Not actually true either - Canada has a plethora it's own cryptids


Something in the back of my head has always really wanted it to be real but alas, she's nothing but a myth. A lovely big moneymaking myth invented by the scots to try and have something worth visiting up there to draw tourists away from England
Truth is we'll never really know and we dont WANT to know. Look at bigfoot for example. With all the search and rescue teams we have that can find a single man in hundreds of square miles of heavy forrest we can't organize and find ONE CONCRETE TRACE of a 6-7 foot tall wookie-lookin furbag? Really?

Nessie might exist, it might not. Lock Ness isnt all THAT big, why not flood the place with boats equipped with the latest tracking devices and see what turns up. For all we know the thing is smart enough to steer clear of the single tug boat plodding around the lake looking for it. There were pics taken back in the 90s I believe that have been touted to show a large fin. The scientific world is rather divided on whether its real or straight crap.

Personally I rather like the thought that somethings exist DESPITE our best efforts to wipe them out in our attempts to turn the world into a giant strip mall/parking garage/superhighway. Kind of view it as nature's way of thumbing her nose at us and having a laugh, lol.