Live comedy


Apr 3, 2008
So i've just booked tickets to the glee club in brum for our anniversary next month , mainly because Stewart Francis is on the bill.
I've been to a couple of comedy gigs in the past and love them , although i do try to sit towards the back
Any one else enjoy live comedy ? , and who have you seen ?
I do like live comedy, although I haven't been to that many.

My favourites have been:

-Bill Bailey - Mix of rambling silly stoner monologues broken up with ingenious bits of musical parody.

-Jimmy Carr - Daily Mail-baiting tasteless filth delivered with rapid-fire wit.

-Mark Thomas - I'm not sure if he still counts as a comedian, but I think so. Shows usually take the form of a dramatic storytelling about his latest adventure trying to be thorn in the side of injustice and global capitalism.
Love it!

Saw loads of people on the cheap when i was at university - Jimmy Carr, Noel Fielding, Reginald D Hunter etc. I miss the days of seeing 3 comedians for 3 pounds, with a free drink thrown in.

I still rate Noel Fielding pre-Mighty Boosh as the hardest I have ever laughed at a standup. Favourite obscure regulalry affordable comic in London is Paul Foot, wonderfully surreal. Best unexpected treat was Kevin Eldon's alter ego character the Poet Paul Hamilton. Sadly that show was also my biggest standup disappointment - Stewart Lee. I had such high hopes and half the set was funny, since seen it on the latest tv show, the second half was just a rant.

Would love to see Stewart Francis or Milton Jones live, just for the one-liners. Enjoy the show!
Oh, and we used to love sitting right under the microphone at university - nothing better than a professional taking the mick out of your mates.

For your anniversary you definitely made the right choice though. I wouldn't subject my other half to that unless I had a more deluxe sofa.
Yeah , some clown always has a pop at the artist , this can be the funniest part of the show in my experience.
I've seen Harry Hill during fresher week at university way back when. Against our better judgement we attempted to leave about 5 mins before he finished as we wanted to make last orders (back when we had them).

He didn't like this, so we exchanged middle fingers. Now look at him... Possible millionaire with a string of hit tv shows... That'll learn him to mess with me..!
Only seen live comedy twice that I can recall, both times at comedy clubs.

One time was at Jongleurs in Camden on a works christmas do. Three comedians whose names I can't remember, all very slick and totally foregetable.

The other time was waaay back at a place called the Banana Club in Balham. It had a range from complete beginners right up to quite well-known names, and it was brilliant. It was painful (but interesting) watching some of the beginners just die on stage, but the standard got better as it went on. The 'headliners' were Gina Yashere, who was good; and Jeff Green, who was absolutely hilarious. I've always found it strange that he hasn't gone on to be much better known than he is.

Live comedy definately benefits from having a few pints while you watch, but it won't transform a rubbish comedian into a funny one. It just makes the funny ones EVEN funnier.
I remember taking a friend down to Worthing near Brighton years ago to appear in a talent contest. She was a singer and did okay, but the contest was won by a comedian called Lee Evans. We laughed so hard our ribs hurt, a fantastic day out. He hasn't done too bad since then, Hollywood films with Jackie Chan for a start.
Bailey is hilarious! Love his standup as it is so frickin' weird!

Never seen Carr live, but the clips of hims I have seen make me wish I had. Have you seen the one where he destroys a heckler? He has a scathing wit that few can match

Mark Thomas? Not in at all. I have never laughed once at the bits I have seen on his "comedy product" show.

I also find him to be a self-righteous ass who makes legitimate and good points that get lost in his hyperbole to the point where I just think he is laughing all the way to the bank whilst he gets a load of unwashed lefties to scream "boo capitalists"
The other day I was at the park looking at a Frisbee, wondering why things appear larger as they get closer. And then it hit me.
I'm a fairly regular attendee at Comedy Nights in the Lyric Hammersmith. Usually a nice mix of talent and acts and more than once I've laughed myself silly.
Yes, although I've only been to a few. Seen Harry Hill, Milton Jones and should be seeing Dave Gorman soon.
I've seen...

Bill Bailey - V funny.

Al Murray, Pub Landlord - The most I have ever laughed ever. There was a 5 minute bit where he pretended to be a velociraptor shouting "Ich liebe dich" (to show that the germans are incapable of love obviously!). You had to be there.

Stewart Lee - Great. One of my favourites even when he's not funny. Did an extended rant about pears cider where he left the stage, ran around the theatre and hung from the boxes. You could still hear him shouting when he was back in the corridors.

Robin Ince - Pretty good for your atheist literate audience.

John Shuttleworth - Very gentle comedy but funny all the same.

Russell Howard - Saw him a few years back just before he got properly on the radio and then telly and he brought the house down. Very improvisational and off the cuff and really rode the audience well. Did a great bit about hiding a bear trap up his bum when he dies to stop people defiling his corpse.

And I HATE hecklers of all sorts. Even when a comedian is bad. Just let 'em get on with it and get off. Chances are the person on the stage is funnier than anyone in the audience.
Just to bump my own thread.
We went last night and had a great time !
Dan Nightingale was a great compère Gary Delaney was brilliant (if a little close to the knuckle at times) , stuart Francis was as awesome as i expected and Ian Tompkinson was a great head line act .
Just to say again if you have the chance to go and see live comedy do it , you won't be disapointed.

once saw eddy izzard, but no idea where it was (was a visitor) and the show was something of an invite/present. this was back in the mid-nineties.

he was quite funny.

I've never been to a standup comedy show. Will be going to my first one for my job Xmas do.

Am tempted to heckle the comedian. I know I'll get roasted big time, but least itll be a unique show and makes the perfomer think on his feet.

(could just be the trainer in me....keep testing!)