Liquidy thick white gooey stuff is coming out of my vi!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GIRLS...

Jesus christ - help me !

omfg .
same with me .
i am thirteen as well ,
just now - i just went to the washroom to take a piss & then when i wiped myself .. thick , gooey stuff that smelt like piss was on the toliet paper !
im freaking out soo much !!
and - my last period was just last month .
& also , the most common thing was , i was thinking of making out with my boyfriend at the same time i was using the washroom .
is there anything possible to make this cure & stop or something ?!
please help !
<3 .
i know im 11 and i have been having it for like a few months but it white and gooey and i get it all the time is this normal ? and am i starting my perid i have body hair under my arms as wel ( a little bit ) and i have got breasts.................
um i have a quick qestion how do you get ride of the smell
you need to go to the doctor u might have a east infection
dont be worried... its a sign that your period is coming... just relax cause its completely normal. all woman get it whether it last for long periods of time or short. trust me im becoming a doctor and its completely normal. its a good sign :]
well yeah i have to too ad i got OFF my period like a little biover a week ago. i scared to ask my mom. and my byfriend wante t hve sex but im scared if he would like see it or something and be like..."eww, gross" ya kno? im also freaking out, some pplsa its nrmal and others say go to te doctor. but im also scared t g to thedoctor, bcuz if i cattell me mom then im sure as hell not going to my doctor.. HELP!!! :-S
dont worry guys , iget it too & im 12 , it usually means within the nest few weeks you get your period . if not , you vagina is just cleaning itself ouut , its called a vaginal discharge its perfectly normal , dont worrry , yous are finaallly becoming women .

meee too
thats happening to me too lol luckily i now know what it is by reading these answers :]
im 17 and had no clue haha
i seen it coming out like a stream of white/clear goo im like WTF
this cant be normal

but dont worry your not dying

so i had sex on the 26th of august which is the day of my ovulation the highest point of me being fertile. my boy friend really wanted to cum in me so i let him.....i was suppose to get my period on the 9th of september and im late. what are the chances i am pregnant.
help me

hi i everytime i wipe my self when i have a pee i see the white think stuff and i'm freaking out what is it? please i dont know what it is and i had my period like last month so please help me....

I am 13 and i started my period the summer i was 12. I dont even remember when i HAVENT had this white goo coming out of me. And i read all of these comments and i understand its normal. But when i went to the restroom today, I saw in my underwear that it was all over them and i saw some PURPLE splatches in them. I dont know if that is normal, but if u have some info for me that would be great, i am really freaking out! HELP!

hi i everytime i wipe my self when i have a pee i see the white think stuff and i'm freaking out what is it? please i dont know what it is and i had my period like last month so please help me....

Hello, i have been reading some of these comments on this site and it is completly normal. Its just a way of your body cleaning its self out before you start your period. And that means that you are about to start your period!
well it is called a vaginal discharge. most likely it happens some months before your actual period starts. I would advise you to start carrying pads to school no one wants to walk around with a big leak. But if it starts to turn different colors you might wanna go talk to a doctor about that. But it usually starts at the end or beginning but if you have not started your period it is starting so start getting ready for it.
help me 2

OMG! really im only 11 and all the girls at my school tht are between 11-12 had there period i havnt had myn yet i have ben getting pimples and stuff am i going to start my period?

umm wtf i have it 2 and its real anoying. plus i can feel it wen it comes out. sis this normal.? also i got my periode twice before and it hasnt come for about 3 months wat do i do?

umm wtf i have it 2 and its real anoying. plus i can feel it wen it comes out. sis this normal.? also i got my periode twice before and it hasnt come for about 3 months wat do i do?

um idk can someons help me to? im 14 years old.
i get that all the time. like everyday. its weird if i dont get it.. lol but dont worry, its just discharge.
well im only 11 and i get that stuff its digusting it dosent smell its just a thick jelly clear like subtance does that mean im gonna get my period soon?
im only 10 and this is happening i was juss playing with myself the other day than i took my hand out it was white gooey stuff on it is it because i did it b4 (i really did do it b4) i dont know but i needa know fast its white and gooey and it juss spells like pee thats all whatit this? by the way somebody hit me up on my email [email protected] send pics too.
white gooey stuff from my vagina

aahh i have been getting that white gooey white stuff from my vagina since like sucks..and its everyday..what the duck is going on..
some of u say its cuz ur getting ur period soon but it happens to me everyday..