Limewire songs from itouch to itunes on new computer!?!?! PLEASE HELP!!!?


New member
Jan 5, 2012
So a few years ago I was using Limewire to download all my songs for my ipod and I would just drag them to itunes, then I stopped using Limewire because it got shut down. Now I'v just been using itunes to get all my songs and all the songs are saved onto my itouch. A few weeks ago everything on my main computer got deleted, including my itunes. Now I have a new computer and I'm trying to find a FREE way to get all the songs off my ipod onto my laptop. If i go into Itunes and click transfer it only transfers my itunes songs, NOT my songs from limewire. I bought a flashdrive so I could put all my songs on there and possibly find a way to get them to my itunes but i dont know how to get the songs onto the flashdrive. SORRY THIS IS SO LONG, ALMOST DONE! I'v googled things to try to help me transfer for things and theres only free trials that let me do 10 songs only, otherwise you have to pay $30 to do the rest. Can anybody help me find a FREE way to tranfer these songs!?!?!? THANK YOU!