Lil wayne just won Rap album of the year at the grammy awards?


New member
Feb 9, 2009
Carter III
What do you think?

The other nominees were:
Jay Z - American Gangster
Lupe Fiasco - The Cool
Nas - Nas
T.I. - Paper Trail

so wayne won, but i was personally going for The Cool by Lupe, I was hoping for it, but Wayne took it and I said, "I knew it, I knew it!"

so what do you think about tha Carter III taking the award of best rap album?
I was busy cracking up over his pitiful performance about Katrina and New Orleans,Bush wasted billions on that city,just to be used for fraud.Please,if wayne is truly concerned let him pay up .
Its the damn grammys, what do u expect? The lil girl group Jonas Brothers were up for "new artist" but I heard they have put out 3 albums. I bet they didnt even listen to The Cool. I expected weezy to win anyway
he earned it even though
sum people hate on lil wayne and say he suks as a rapper but obviously it's not true plus over 1,000,000 people bought the carter 3 he's real popular and his music is actually pretty good
(but i do have to admit he is too cocky)
Hmmm. Tha Carter III better than American Gangster, The Cool or Paper Trail?

Hip Hop is in a Recession. We need a bailout!
that award rightfully should have gone to lupe fiasco's "the cool", its the second time this has happened to lupe fiasco. his other album "food & liquor" was nominated last year in the same category and didnt win. very suprised. they judged it by record sales and not creativity.

it is also bad that Nas has had a great long legendary career and has not won a grammy yet as well. another one who is always nominated but never wins.
Of course he won, it's the Grammys....

I do think it was better than Paper Trail, contrary to what many others think, however, the order should have been..

The Cool
American Gangster
Paper Trail
mos def. lol hhaahha tht was funny i made a funny cuz mos def is a rapper but no he def. deserved it
yea i was goin for lupe...weezy is crap music...he only sold alot of albums but wasnt grammy worthy....