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Yeah I know, we've got 1st Breakfast, 2nd Breakfast, Elevenses, Luncheon, Tea, Dinner and Supper lined up for you already.
That was just proof that you can have the best server in the world, but if you put a drunken Welsh girl at the helm, stuff's gonna go down!
Those Tweets read like cheesy adverts.NO I DON'T WANT A CARPET!

C'mon guys, where's the comedy?! Surely we could get a guest tweet or two from Mitch?!
Quick. @MAPlanet is being funny on Twitter. It's like Seinfeld but in 140 characters or less... Not that there's anything wrong with that...
Speaking of which, can you come and clean the empty carton up from the bushes outside my house. My neighbours are complaining
It might be me as I'm outrageously funny. Unless people think its unfunny then it isn't me, it's a Mod running amok!
Yep Needs a bit of tweaking for the colours, sadly I have other servers demanding my attention. They're so needy.