LGBT: What do you think of the Rumors that Wendy ? is actually Homosexual herself?


New member
Nov 9, 2011
It's been circling ever since my questions about her a while ago, I'm curious what you guys think. Is Wendy ? actually a homosexual troll who is self hating or isn't she, lets see what the people say. ^_^
Who knows/ who cares. Arnt we as the LGBT community, trying to stop bullying? So maybe you should stop judging her? I know she's a messed up troll, but don't stoop down to her level and I agree with D.A.V.E
If she's not, then at least she has WAYYYY too much time on her hands. If she thinks she's making some sort of impression on the gay community beyond making us think she's a seriously screwed up individual, she really needs to get a better hobby.

But yeah, my first impression was troll. Hardcore troll.

She also violates the community guidelines by insulting other members. Report her.
igonore her , she not worth it. also i had a look at the link the other answer provided, OMG, i cant believe there an actual research out there support what we suspect all along, i must make a copy of it, it will be really handy when i have deal with homophobes in the future.

EDIT i just read @mack answer, i agree with her in a sense there is not need to stoop down to her level, also i think many of trolls do have/had a very sad life for them to become so hateful in the first place, i kind feel bad for them just to think about it.
I think she is =P. If all her rambles about homosexuals are actually true, then she's a really cruel person (or just very insecure), but I think she's just a troll.
I'm new to said section, but from what I've seen and my general knowledge of insecure people; it's not unlikely. People who are insecure and are afraid of themselves usually take it out on others. I know she's a troll, but I kinda do hope she figures it out. No one deserves to be confused.
Is this a troll feeding station?

Come on you know it just keeps her coming back when gets attention...
I don't think she is homosexual. As a homosexual, would you speak about people like yourself in that way? I wouldn't. We get trolls here, they come, then they go. I don't understand why she wasting her time in this category because she is not going to change anyones opinion on themselves, maybe this is just a way of venting her anger, behind a computer screen where no one knows much about her. I'm sure she wouldn't act like this in real life, at least not to a homosexuals face.