"Levels of rape"

"Levels of rape"

Agreed, but you have to draw a line somewhere.

In Australia, you would probably get away with it - provided you were aboriginal.

Hmm, he's not a predator because he did it on a regular basis. A nine-month suspended sentence? If a white man did that he'd get several years.

An even worse example:

No kidding I find it hard to understand. This was a violent assault and rape of a young girl. He serves one month? Genuinely didn't know his actions were illegal? So in "traditional" aboriginal society, it's apparently OK to do this. Which is why I won't be voting to "recognise" the aboriginal culture if the question comes up in a referendum.

The judge, (in)Justice Martin, needs a kick in the head. Or several. He has two daughters himself, I wonder what sentence he would think appropriate if this happened to one of them.

I'm sure we all agree that the age of consent is there for a good reason, and no-one wants to see children/teens taken advantage of. But there are definitely "levels of rape". Try telling a victim of violent rape that the offence is no more serious than consensual sex with a 17-year-old girl.
"Levels of rape"

Is it bad that I laughed at the line "beaten her with a boomerang"?
Surely I'm not the only one that finds that a tad amusing?
"Levels of rape"

Angelina Jolie when she was 'underage' some 16 year olds look younger than other 16 year olds.
"Levels of rape"

How does age factor into welfare? How is it that having sex with another 15 year old is ok, but having sex with a 20 year old somehow damages them? I had a boyfriend at 15 who was 4 years older than me, and I fail to see how that damaged me...

And I wouldn't make the blanket statement that all teenagers are risk takers and poor decision makers. I remember plenty of people I grew up with being perfectly sensible and not taking anything more than minor risks.
"Levels of rape"

It's about tackling predatory behaviour. The concept being that 2 15 year olds are equally dumb, but a 20 year old should know better.
"Levels of rape"

As for 'levels of rape'. I don't think consensual sex with an underage person is morally 'rape' unless there was actual manipulation involved. Or unless there was a drastic age difference, like Kwajman said, 30 and 15.
"Levels of rape"

The police and CPS use some common sense when decided what charges, if any, to bring.
"Levels of rape"

I'm not sure on that one to be honest. A 15 year old isn't necessarily the victim or too iofftopicture to make up his/her mind. Neither does drawing a line at a certain age eliminate predatory behaviour. 60 and 20, there's probably some power inequality going on there.

And 'equally dumb'? Having sex isn't necessarily a dangerous mistake. Having unsafe sex is.
"Levels of rape"

A line has to be drawn somewhere and that line is the age of consent. If the line becomes too blurry it becomes ineffective.
"Levels of rape"

Indeed. A healthy 20-year-old woman could easily overpower a 60-year-old man. Or even convince his aged and addled mind that he wants to have sex with her! How do we protect older men from the predatory habits of today's sexually assertive young women?

Seriously though, when a young woman has sex with a much older man, it's usually because he's rich, famous, or both. By 20 a person should be more than capable of making their own decisions.

There does seem to be some recognition of that. This page gives on overview of age-of-consent laws in Australia and it's territories.

Note that several states do have exceptions for cases when both parties are of similar age. Such as:

Note that it is a defence not an automatic pass. In cases like that the relationship between the two would probably be considered.

Some more exceptions listed here.
"Levels of rape"

Corona....please....do you really want to open up that can of worms about whether or not your damaged???? We've TRIED to maintain some semblance of order here but if you're going to throw one out there like that, SOMEBODIES gotta jump on it....
"Levels of rape"

I think Kwaj means that bringing anecdotes into a rape & sexuality thread is risky. If some pillock wades in an grabs onto an anecdotal post and says the supplier must be a rapist/victim/daddy issues/ whatever then it all goes sour.

Personally I'd say we avoid pillocks though :p
"Levels of rape"

Saw the news story and I've got to say that Ken Clarke was bang on the money. At least he had the balls to try and work through a difficult topic on-air with resorting to dodging; offended people either didn't listen to his argument or were not convinced by a reasoned speech. Oh well, hope he gets to stay...

There are a wide range of offences under the rape banner that are clearly very different crimes. Teasing them apart is fraught with difficulty because we can swing between the nightmare "date rape" where a predator intentionally befuddles victims so they can have their way with them; and the other nightmare "date rape" where two parties are kinda drunk, have fun, wake up with hazy memories and one of them cries rape to the police (nightmare for the accused).

I'd like to say that rape is proceeding when the other party says no, but the grey area for manipulation and drugging is too great (they fall into "other party didn't say yes, or doesn't want to say yes when sober again" which also includes some less jailable scenarios)
"Levels of rape"


The rule is

(Youngest you can date) = (Your age)*0.5 + 7

eg. 16 year old can date 15 yr old but not 14
20,17 etc...