Lengthly trips on a sport bike?


New member
Jan 3, 2011
I just bought a 2007 gs500 as my first bike, and i plan on driving it from st louis to carbondale il in september or october. The trip will be roughly 130 miles, or 2.5 hours. I wont have a ton of experience under my belt but it will be mostly 2 lane roads with minimal traffic and mostly straightaways. Im just curious as to what i should expect for this trip. I know ill have to stop for gas and ill have a couple pairs of clothes in a book bag, and god willing it wont rain or ill just take a car. Ive heard that if you spend too much time on a bike your legs will get sore and flimsy when you get off. Is this something i should worry about? Im also considering a nice riding suit for this, something i plan on getting anyway.....any tips would be great. Im a new rider with currently less than an hour under my belt, but by time this trip happens i will hopefully have days, if not weeks of solid riding experience. Thanks
Did I miss something? You have an hour TOTAL under your belt? 130 miles and two and a half hours is not a lengthy trip. Your bike will be fine, just practice around the block with a backpack on, you might have to re-adjust the weight. You should not have to stop for gas for that short a trip, but I forgot how big that tank is, so at the most, once. You will be able to move and flex your legs while riding so they are not asleep when you need to put your feet down. If they get weak after that short of a ride, maybe the bike pinches a nerve somewhere. You are most likely to get a sore butt, so work up to that length of time on your bike. Have fun and ride safely.