Lake District pics


New member
Apr 10, 2008
So me and my dad and sister and her husband went to the Lake District for the weekend after my mum's funeral... normally I wouldn't bother posting pics but the place looked *amazing*. I hadn't ever been before.

Slate cottage... Lake District is famous for slate quarrying

Some fields.

Unusual looking tree

Fence & Scenery... Very Hobbiton

Copper mine or slate pit...

Abandoned quarry

Elven woods

Me and Dad and Brother in Law Trevor on A Rock

A Tarn

More Scenery

More Elven woods

Babbling Stream

Nice pics Medi! I lived up that way for a while and know the area really well through mountain biking up there.

Beautiful place to escape to when you need uplifting
Just lovely. Lots of climbing in that area. Definitely a place I want to get to sometime. Cheers for posting that.
I grew up in the lakes, it's always kinda weird to see how people react to it when you think it's completely normal to live there.
Some really good pics there medi. Where abouts in the Lakes were you?

I love the place, nothing better than spending a day fell-walking and then chilling in the pub afterwards.
Last time I was up there I was going over the Kirkstone Pass to Scotland. Even going through the pennines to the lakes, you get amazing scenery and always photogenic in any weather.
Langdale is possibly my favourite place in the world.We do a lot of cycling there, up Langdale pass (ouch!).The Oldman is a great place too, going up there in the snow is always interesting!
Add the Picos de Europa in Spain too; like the lakes but on twice the scale.

Beer's rubbish there though, the Lakes win based on that consideration

OMG is that a HILL? In England?

I lived in East Anglia (just south of Ely) so my image of Enlgand is FLAT and DAMP LOL.

That is a really beautiful place
Those were really nice pics medi - you are good man for spending the time with your family and cherishing it as you have. You show respect for your family, and it earns you points from me, personally.
It was great.

The sad part was my actual brother couldn't make it, as two days before, his wife's father passed away... also from cancer like my mum.

It was cool having my brother in law there though, we're pretty close and it was good for him too as his father died a couple of months ago

Pretty tough couple of months we're having.