

New member
Mar 5, 2008
Anyone else have kids? I have one daughter and she's a wealth of entertainment.

The other day we were listening to Billy Idol, jamming to the music "load" because she asked for it be load. I saw her moving her bottom from side to side, so I asked her what she was doing. She said "I shaking my little booty"! I couldn't have been prouder as I stepped quickly away trying not to laugh.

Today she asked for Broccoli for breakfast for the start of our Daddy-Daughter day. My oh my have I been an influnce. We followed breakfast with the basics of kickboxing and some bodyweight exercises. It's been a great day so far, and more to follow when she wakes up from her nap.
How old is your daughter? I have 3. An 18 yo, 13 yo and a 2 and a half. All unique and definately their own person. The oldest, tattooed and pierced (birthday and Xmas gifts from me) the middle one says no way and the youngest thinks tattoos are ugly. My oldest still remembers the first gyaku I taught her and the youngest one goes around yelling "Judo Chop!!" and kicking things. Usually me.
My daughter turned 4 in July. I can feel your pain, my daughter has a wicked front kick which she uses on my calf all the time. She punches better that most of the men I work with too-also! I'm such a proud papa!
Im hearing you, I have 1 daughter and 2 step daughters, aged 4, 16 and 18.
The 18 yr old just made me a grandfather, the 16yr old is interested in nothing but money, clothes and boys and my 4 yr old just wants to do TKD like Mum and Dad. She also has a wicked front kick and my 7 yr old son has one of the best flying side kicks I have ever seen.
We're not up to the side kicks, yet. I've working on form with her punches and power behind them.

I now have three. Kids rock. Dude was right who said children are a gift from God.

We were on a road trip a last month. There were mountains in the distance. My three-year-old boy commented on the mountains. In his broken English he commented on how tall the mountains looked, and said that he doesn't want to climb them by himself but he wants to go to the top. "Too high for me. Scary. Need my Daddy carry me. My Daddy carry me. Not scary."

And then he said very emphatically, "My own Daddy careful me."

My heart melted. THAT'S what life is about.
Yes Nordic I think you have the right idea. My little girls is a month older then yours so the co-ordination for kicks is not there yet but is slowly developing. We work on punches, trying to develop technique and then we will work on developing power.
She loves putting the wraps on
My daughter (the little one) sleeps with me and my wife, waking up at 2 in the morning with her little hand resting on your cheek.... THAT'S what life is about.
My wife started this thing with lightly caressing her back (light scratching) which my daughter LOVES the feeling of, so now when she can't fall asleep she asks me to do it. As soon as I finish, she rolls over and says to do her belly, then each arm and then each leg. Won't let me stop until I've scratched each part.
A few weeks ago, my wife calls me up here in Angola to relate this; They were walking across the street to the park (wife, daughter, dog) when my daughter starts making motor sounds with her lips (you know the BBBRBRBRBRRBBRBRBRBR sounds) My wife asks her what's that all about, Z looks up at her, sighs and says "It's a long story, I don't have time for it right now". Remember, she's only 2 and a half.
My oldest daughter, got a grant a few months back to go back to school. She's happy as all get out and I'm proud of her for going to school, keeping her grades up and getting a better paying/working condition job.
My middle one, Honor roll student, musician (plays 3 different instruments at last count) wants to learn a MA (okay,so it's TKD. I still love her) (just kidding by the way)
My kids are my pride and joy and my life. Wish I could see the 2 oldest more often, but they live on the East Coast and I no longer do.
I have a daughter that will be four in December and a son who is fourteen-months old. My daughter has started trying to mimick me when I practice (its so cute). She was able to do a pull-up at age two. The girl has truly amazing upper body strength. She has a wicked headbut and a good flying knee, I make sure to protect the jewels when she's running around.

My son is already showing the unnatural grip strength that I have. Not necesarrily a good thing as he thinks its fun to sink his fingers in, get a good handful of you and squeeze and twist. He's absolutly fascinated by me when I'm practicing, I can already see the gleam in his eye when he sees something martial arts related.

My daughter just ran into the room and gave me a big hug and said "I loves you daddy" Nothing beats that.
I have a whole new perspective on life, a much younger one.
I know the feeling. I get calls and messages at work that are from home. Sometimes when I do answer or listen to the messages it's my daughter telling me about her day, and then signs off with "I love you too, bye-bye. Whether I said anything or not.

I have a few pictures I'll try to post later of my daughter working out and her fighter stance.
My son in 6, and my daughter is 4. Completely different in most ways.
Just last month I was in the kitchen cooking dinner and she brings him into the room with a makeshift armbar. Says to me..."Daddy, he tried to hit me."
Got to love em...
Okay how do I resize a picture in MS photoshop? I can make it look bigger and smaller but the file size remains the same. PM me unless you think its good for anyone to read, and please put it in stupid for me. I can use a computer, just not geek with one. Thanks.
go to the image tab, click image size and change either the width or height, the other one will adjust automatically
Enjoy your times with your children when they are young because when they grow up they eventually leave you and you will feel as I do this week

My daughter (18) is leaving for college this friday and my oldest son (20) has decided to seek his fortune in California (3,000 miles away!!) ... not yet an empty nest... my baby (11) will still be home... (wondering which room he plans to take over )
Here are some pictures of my daughter working out with me. The weights she is holding are 3.5 lbs. She also uses the 5 pounters and does push-ups sit-ups and chins. Though with the chins I do assist her but 90% of the work is all her.

Look at that fighting stance, all killer I'm telling you.
This morning my daughter anounced to my wife and I, with her hands on her hips and her foot tapping, that she was going to ride the motocydo (motorcycle) herself when camping this weekend. We laughed so hard.