
yea it does. all the seeds they are putting in that vault are being frozen at (insert cold #) so they dont age.
I think this is relevant: I have a friend named Kevin which is close the Kelvin in terms of spelling.
Ok, so do you have any scientific backing for your belief, or you just think so because? If you just think so because, or you think it 'makes sense,' don't say that time would stop, because it's just a crackpot theory. Time is not relevant to temperature. Time exists without velocity.
time would stop in the sense of the the cell in question, but nothing relative to said cell. its like being frozen in time, you as a person, assuming its done correctly, nothing about you would change in time. your stomach would still be in the exact same state of digestion, your blood cells would be in the same fight with any germs in your system, etc. etc. for however long your body were to remain "zeroed out"
Ok, you guys keep talking about motion. Does no one realize that the faster you go, the slower time passes?

Excited motion is still motion. There are particles that hit the atmosphere every second of every day that have a lifespan of less than a few seconds, but they're in extremely excited motion, and actually experience time slower, according to experiments performed with them.
it seems to me that one coulndt go faster than light, because i feel that light is the edge of time, therefore you cant go faster than it.

also, how do the gauge how fast light actually travels?
Light is a constant speed. C=3e8 I honestly don't know how they measure it. No one is saying you can travel faster than light, I was just making the point that increased motion slows time, not decreased motion.
sorry, i was going of a statement from your simpler explination.

it seems to me that measuring speed of light is faulty.

you would need electronics to measure it, and say if you shown a flashlight on a receptor so far away, you would still need to send an electrical current from point a to point b to relay the light has started, and reached its target.

so either we can send something at the speed of light, and electrical current, or we can say light only goes as fast as our fastest signal.
wouldnt it be incredibly dificult to aim a laser at a miror thats 384,403 km away, bounce off that to a point that would be visible back on earth when both objects are moving.

edit: nvm, that sort of thing is relativly easy in this day and age.
yea, im too big of a smart ass to just "accept" things. i like to try and poke holes in theroys and such
It's not a theory though...It's a measured and proven constant. Being stubborn has nothing to do with being a smartass.