Kazaa - playing issues? Should be an easy fix, just need to know how!?


May 12, 2008
So I downloaded Kazaa, and the download works just fine, but when I try to play the songs (itunes/windows media player both), they won't play because the file is protected? I don't know what this means and internet search boards are no help. How can I get the songs to play? I have Windows 7, if that makes any difference at all.
Kazaa is dead and has been for over 9 years now. And its good place to get a DMCA notice, Or protected Mp3's or even fake crap.

It used be good in the early 2000's.

I recommend you uninstall it and get Ares instead. Works like Kazaa but none of the BS. I would not recommend you download video's from here since I know some people got a DMCA notices from any p2p program.

I also recommend running peerblock when using any p2p programs.

http://aresgalaxy.sourceforge.net/ Steer clear from the WMA format it sucks and some are fakes.