karate vs taekwondo question?


Active member
May 16, 2008
I been told that both are very alike but all the videos i see ,show that karate is mostly punches and taekwondo kicks. or not?
TKD is primarily Kicks & the art orhinates from Kores otherwise known as korean Kickboxing.

Karate of both strong core punches & Kicks Known as the art of empty handy (no weapons) orginates from Japan.

Both arts a trained to fight at medium to long distance, but do not teach much in grappleing or close distance (clinching).

No there not very alike in my opinion because they originate from different countries, it like saying America is alot like Mexico.
You are correct. Taekwondo translated means "way of foot and hand". TKD is around 60% kicking and 40% punching. Karate (empty hand) is 60%punching and 40% kicking.
I've done both and the training for both is but most of Tae- kwon - do's Kicking movements are Key in a fight because of the Kicking Combos/Movements Taught

Karate is all about Flow and if you can string together a Nice little combos that Causes damage then you're Successful in it alot

Whereas Tae Kwon Do if someone Manages to get you with a kick in that then your Screwed Also there aren't alot of Tae Kwon Do Punching Techniques to be used in a fight that will result in damage most of the are just for Detail and to showcase, the main asset in it is the range of the kicks.

In karate its alot of fancy but detailed and stylish Movements and Techniques but Karate is Definitely built for self - Defence and Tae Kwon Do is A neutral you can attack and defend but karate is more so that you can hurt someone and Run away. in Tae Kwon Do if you Try and Put someone on the Floor then their Definitely going to stay on the floor