Just venting emotions :)?


Jun 20, 2008
Okay heres the story:

My friedn introduced me to her best guy friend, I start liking him and he likes me too. He tells me he loves her, but also likes me and i guess it was my fault to let myself be drawn into this in the first place.. but we hang out and become really close and i start feeling like i want to date him. Then we are on and off with liking eachother or staying friends. Then one day he goes off to work at the mines for ages and we dont talk and i didnt know why ( later found out that he was mad but didnt communicate to me why he was mad) and then we just didnt see eachother for 2 months and in that time i was going to meet up with him to sort things out but my friend at the start at this story got involved and made me angry cause shes dating some other guy, and should think that she should have him aswell. And we arnt friendns anymore.

Anyways.. so we have an argument and i go home crying and what not. And then i find out on facebook that hes dating some chick that he only met 3 days ago! Man i got so angry at him ( but only in my thoughts) and i was shocked to find that it wasnt my friend(one at the start of this story) so i was really cut to find out that all this time ive been lead on and he wouldnt date me cause he didnt wana hurt my friend, but straight after me he dated some radom chick. Now my ex friend doesnt have him, neither do i, or even as a friend or even on speaking terms or friends on fb and hes dating a random chick. Just thought i would let everyone know and ask others " Am i not alone in thinking hes a complete wanker?