Just out of interest. Do you know WHY you are eating a chocolate egg today?

Intrigued, so I found this as an answer:

"The Decorated Easter Egg

The egg is nature's perfect package. It has, during the span of history, represented mystery, magic, medicine, food and omen. It is the universal symbol of Easter celebrations throughout the world and has been dyed, painted, adorned and embellished in the celebration of its special symbolism.

Before the egg became closely entwined with the Christian Easter, it was honored during many rite-of-Spring festivals. The Romans, Gauls, Chinese, Egyptians and Persians all cherished the egg as a symbol of the universe. From ancient times eggs were dyed, exchanged and shown reverence.

In Pagan times the egg represented the rebirth of the earth. The long, hard winter was over; the earth burst forth and was reborn just as the egg miraculously burst forth with life. The egg, therefore, was believed to have special powers. It was buried under the foundations of buildings to ward off evil; pregnant young Roman women carried an egg on their persons to foretell the sex of their unborn children; French brides stepped upon an egg before crossing the threshold of their new homes.

With the advent of Chrisianity the symbolism of the egg changed to represent, not nature's rebirth, but the rebirth of man. Christians embraced the egg symbol and likened it to the tomb from which Christ rose.

Old Polish legends blended folklore and Christian beliefs and firmly attached the egg to the Easter celebration. One legend concerns the Virgin Mary. It tells of the time Mary gave eggs to the soldiers at the cross. She entreated them to be less cruel and she wept. The tears of Mary fell upon the eggs, spotting them with dots of brilliant color."

Thanks- good post!
First of all, I'm not eating an easter egg today, (I'm Jewish, lol)

Second of all easter eggs started by people painting eggs, until some guy came up with an idea with eating them. Chocolate and Jesus DO NOT have any relationship with each other
1. Because we are all sucked in by the confectionery manufacturers charging several times the price for the same amount of chocolate as in a normal chocolate bar except it is moulded in a funny shape and over packaged in a huge box.

2. Another pagan festival hijacked by the early church.
yes, because of Jesus and everything. please, we got taught that in like, year one. i think we all know thanks very much.
though, i kinda forgot the exact story.
aha, i'm not being mean but i liked some guys comment up there about Jade Goody. made me LOL!
Jesus has risen!

Dunno why we celebrate with chocolate bunnies for, they dont lay eggs at all anyway, they have bunny kittens or pups wateva they called. . . lol.
I didn't, last year I did and back most years... however now I'm too old to receive them, I;ll by them on special, than eat them.