Just for laughs...What was your worst dirty diaper experience?


New member
Aug 29, 2009
Mine happened in the mall...I was in American Eagle shopping with my husband and I was carrying our 2 month old (without a diaper bag) Don't ask why...it was a dumb decision! anyways, as my husband was checking out I walk around for a while and I felt something warm hit my foot, so I looked down and saw that my son had pooped his diaper and it was leaking EVERYWHERE! all down my leg and all over the floor. I didn't know what too do, I couldn't stop it. It just kept coming! So I took off through the mall trying to find a bathroom. I was in a mall that I don't normally go to so I had no idea where a bathroom was. As I was walking around I could hear people say "aww look at that cute baby" I was hoping that they were too busy looking at my baby that they didn't notice the poop running down my legs! Oh and to make it worse it was on the tax free weekend so the mall was super busy! So yeah that was my worst experience...so far! Can you beat that story?
i cant beat that but ..
when my son was 4 months old i went to my brothers to get some family photos taken to send to our parents ..
i was sitting on the sofa with my son on my knee and it felt warm .. there was poo coming out the top of the diaper! all over his shirt and somehow all over my jeans .. it was like liquid
lucky i had a spare top for my son ... but i just had to wipe the poo of my jeans and wear them for the photos .. needless to say we didnt stick around after lol ... hour long drive home was very smelly
Just last week my son ( now 11 months ) was crawling around the house with out a diaper on . .. then it went quiet .. ( hes normally squealing and laughing ) i found him in the kitchen .. he had just done a poo and was rubbing it in to the tiles and draws . As i picked him up he decided i needed it rub into my arms and hands too ..
nope not in public

i once had my son in bed with me when he was a baby and when i woke up i had poop on my elbow, cheek, hair, all over the comforter and my pillow; EVERYWHERE. he had a little case of diarrhea and it leaked through the pamper as well. it was not a good morning! lol
My son and I went to visit my mother and before we went to the airport my mother changed my son's diaper and did not put it on tight enough.

I start to smell poop and I look down and my son had pooped and it leaked out all over him and all over me!

So I freak and as I get up to run to the bathroom the Pilot comes on and announces we are about to decend and to fasten seat belt...

So I run to the bathroom, there is no way I am sitting here with us covered in poop... And I get to the bathroom and the attendant that had been google eyeing my son and saying how adorable he was the entire flight looked disgusted as can be! I make it in to the bathroom and I am freaked because the plane is decending, there is poop everywhere and the plane is bouncing and shaking...

Luckily I had a change of clothing for him, but there was such a mess and I was in such a panic I did get a bit of poop on his clean outfit...

I however did not have a change of clothing for myself so had to stay covered in poop and with my light colored outfit and the smell you could tell it was poop. The people on the plane were staring at me, probably grossed out by me...

Then I had to make it though the crowded airport which takes a while because you have to take a trolley to the baggage claim and then I had to wait for my bags so I could get a change of clothing...

It was awful and I was mad at my mom because I had told her she needs to make the diaper tighter because when she was changing him he always leaked...

Anyway, my back pack which doubles as his diaper bag was covered in poop... The plane seat and arm rest was covered in poop and my son and I were covered in poop...

It was the most horrible diaper experience ever and I hope to never go through anything like that again!!!
Wow, I don't think I can beat that, but I'll share anyway!

My son was 4 months old, and my mom and I went to Target. I had him in one of those baby carriers on my front side as we shopped. Well, I had my hands under his body as to provide extra support (so that all his weight wasn't constantly being pushed down on the carrier) and I noticed something on my hands. It was the "dirties" as I like to call them!

So my mom and I hurry and check out and go to the car. I sit in the back seat to take him out, and there was dirties everywhere! Going up his back, soaking through his outfit, all over his legs, and all over the baby carrier!

I'm awkwardly sitting in the back seat as I take him out and throw the baby carrier on the floor. I then proceed to take off all of his clothes and his diaper, and the dirties are smearing everywhere, including on me. So I begin wiping his body with diaper wipes, when suddenly he decides to urinate all over mommy and himself! I begin crying in frustration, and my mom finally comes around to help, laughing, and she held him in the air while I gave him a diaper wipe bath.

I wrapped him in a blanket, put him in the car seat, and jetted home.
not yet thank god!!! My husband seems to be the recipient of all the bad poop stories... I think he exaggerates them a bit though.
Mine was when she hadn't pood for about 4 days, and then she did 4 days worth...
She was sitting in her bouncer and you could see her staining, then all of a sudden all this poo came out of the top of her nappy and went everywhere, she thought it was great fun squishing it between her fingers.
As I carried her to her change table it dripped all over the floor and left a nice trail.
I used about a whole box of wipes.

I don't think I beat you but I think I came pretty close :p