Judaism vs Christianity?


May 12, 2008
I am an Irish Catholic who is just curious. I have looked up the difference between the two a few times, but find many biased answers going to one side over the other. I am looking for a completely unbiased article or something to help me. My boyfriend is Jewish and his family would like me to convert, but still say its totally up to me. I go to mass and stuff, but not SUPER religious. I go to mass on the big days and whenever I'm feeling in need of prayer, so for me to become Jewish wouldn't be a huge thing, I just would like for it to make sense. I don't wan to convert if I don't like their beliefs. Thanks!
@Waddup,I'm not just converting to Judaism without knowing about it... If you read my question you would see I am trying to figure Judaism out and rationally make a decision.
If you convert, you end up with only 5 books of the OT! You can't bring jesus with ya when you go.

I say get rational and give up all religion.
Old Testament only. They don't believe in the New Testament. If you convert to Judaism all you are doing is rejecting Jesus and you will be sent to hell.
If you think about it the general gist of Judaism is very similar to Christianity. Which makes sense considering Christianity is largely based off of Judaism.

As much as people don't want to admit it the same can be said regarding Islam and Christianity.

While the religions have differences in traditions and concepts of what is acceptable at certain times. The general concept is relatively similar.
For most jew's, the mother indicate's the faith of any children. So most mother's want their grandkid's to follow their faith. At least it appear's to be more so for the jewish faith. But I could be wrong.
For most jew's, the mother indicate's the faith of any children. So most mother's want their grandkid's to follow their faith. At least it appear's to be more so for the jewish faith. But I could be wrong.
Wow! Don't go ahead and convert from Christianity to Judaism if you have no idea what they're about! You've obviously got no idea what Judaism is about, in the very least. Christianity is the fulfillment of Judaism, so why would you want to go back? Here is the punchline. Judaism denies Christ. They don't believe Jesus was God, or even a prophet. There are things I don't like about Catholicism, but at least it's Christianity.