Journey in Locker Rooms

we sing to journey all the time in my locker room :nododgy:

we have speakers and stuff so we can play it and sing along
you must admit, it is a great dude magnet

bsides, my mommyz already toldz me taht gay barz are fo dudez, and she sayz it be ok to be "geigh" , just as long as me aint. FOOH

12 yr old style
I hate Family Guy for ever putting Journey on. That shit is so played out. Especially when kids like you take everything Family Guy says like it's the spoken bible. Journey is fucking gay and so are you.
believe me, i didnt take it from family guy.
bsides, i barely ever watch family guy, only watch a few clips on youtube that pop up under the being watched section

it was a joke guys, do you think i actually meant to sound gay? y would i be on PBN?

LAN connection straight from teh gay bar across the street.
Drunk dudes at karaoke sing Journey. Prepubescent kids in high school half naked in a locker room singing Journey = ???