Joakim Noah Fined $50K for Homosexual Slur


Active member
Jul 4, 2007
Yesterday, we posted the video of Joakim Noah using a homosexual slur. In the video, you can see an irate Noah yell to a fan, “F— You, F——”. Well, the NBA didn’t take kindly to those words. On Monday, Noah was fined $50K for using a term the NBA called “Offensive” and “derogatory”.

The center for the Chicago Bulls has apologized numerous times sine the incident.

“I don’t want to hurt anybody’s feelings,” said Noah. “Anybody who knows me knows that I’m not like that. I’m an open-minded guy.”

Earlier in the 2011 NBA playoffs, Kobe Bryant was fined $100K for using the same homosexual slur while screaming at a ref. Why did Noah get fined half as much as Kobe?

Explains an NBA spokesman: “Kobe’s fine included discipline for verbal abuse of a game official.”

Click here to see the Joakim Noah video of his homosexual slur.

Joakim Noah Fined for Homosexual Slur

Post from: EveryJoe
