Jason Kipnis watched the Indians game at the NCAA finals


Jun 17, 2007
You can’t have it both ways … unless you’re Jason Kipnis. The Cleveland Indians injured second baseman*couldn’t participate in opening day due to a shoulder issue. He used that opportunity to head down to the NCAA championship game to watch the North Carolina Tar Heels defeat*the Gonzaga Bulldogs by a score of 71-65.
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But that doesn’t mean he completely forgot about his everyday teammates. Kipnis lived the life of the average sports fan Monday.*And when the average sports fan wants to watch two games at the same time, they find a way to do it.
Celebrating my birthday at the National Championship game!….. but watching my guys on the @mlb app! #EE just tied it up!!!
A post shared by Jason Kipnis (@jasonkipnis22) on Apr 3, 2017 at 7:02pm PDT
Yeah, that’s Kipnis taking in the NCAA finals in person while watching the Indians on his phone. Any dedicated sports fan knows exactly what that’s like … only they probably don’t have tickets to the NCAA finals. The average sports fans is likely watching both games on two screens at home. It pays to be Jason Kipnis.
Jason Kipnis found a way to take in two games at once Monday. (AP Photo) Given that Kipnis is at a basketball game and … gasp … not with his team on opening day, there are bound to be some who want to question his commitment. Don’t be that person. Kipnis is injured and currently rehabbing. He*either stayed back in Phoenix as part of his rehab or needed the team’s approval to leave and attend the game. Based on this photo, he received it.
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As long as he puts in the necessary work required to get back on the field, it shouldn’t be an issue. Plus, it’s not like fans should be too worried. Cleveland pulled off a come-from-behind 8-5 win over the Texas Rangers on opening day. The team didn’t need Kipnis to physically be there cheering them on in order to take care of business.
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Chris Cwik is a writer for Big League Stew on Yahoo Sports. Have a tip? Email him at [email protected] or follow him on Twitter! Follow @Chris_Cwik