Jailbroke my iPhone 4 got installous and app sync from the real source....


New member
Sep 14, 2008
...Synced with iTunes the cracked apps ? That I got from installous do show up after I push the transfer purchased apps but when I stick my husbands iPhone 3G in none of my cracked apps go on his phone. All but 1 are compatible. It says they loaded on but nope.
My husbands phone isn't jailbroke I tried from 3 different sources none worked I then had to restore it luckily I had it backed up so no loss. But is this the reason he can't get my cracked apps because his phone isn't jailbroken? I thought that the appsync made iTunes think you purchased the apps. I tried to go Bluetooth them over and bump them even tried to download them from iTunes store but nothing works. Please help

Don't tell me crap about how I'm stealing apps and blah blah blah you will be just wasting everybody's time.

Thanks again in advance!