jailbreak iPhone 3gs questions!?


May 17, 2008
I have an iPhone 3gs that I jailbroke a while back, the new update 4.3.1 came out and there is a jailbreak for it.

I am confused as to how I upgrade? if I should? etc.

I am not sure how the whole jailbreaking scene works and what everything is and how it is tied together.

It says "ultrasn0w users don't upgrade" ... but how do I know if I am an 'ultrasn0w ' user? and that is compared to what exactly?

Also using 'Cydia', what is that and are there similiar programs is or is that the only one and how does it tie into jailbreaking. & I also have 'installous' on my iPhone. So what is instlalous vs. Cydia and what are others.

Again, I know what jailbreaking is, I just don't know how to distinguish everything from eachother.

Also I have an iPad 2, 'WHY' can't that be jailbroken? and is there a timeline for it to be jailbroken?