Jacque Vaughn Hired by Magic


Active member
Jul 4, 2007
The Orlando Magic have a new head coach. After interviewing a large number of candidates, the Magic have decided to go with Jacque Vaughn, who most recently was an assistant coach with the San Antonio Spurs. At 37, Vaughn will be one of the youngest head coaches in the NBA next season.

“We are confident that his diligence, attention to detail and communication style will help establish the bedrock of our culture moving forward,” said Magic GM Rob Hennigan, who himself is just 30 years old. “His commitment and passion to building a sustainable program will help steer our organization for years to come.”

Vaughn has big shoes to fill. Stan Van Gundy was fired in the offseason after going 259-135 as head coach in Orlando, including one trip to the NBA Finals.

One person who doesn’t think Vaughn will get the job done is Shaquille O’Neal. On Twitter, Shaq had this to say: “Orlando magic is about to hire jock Vaughn over mike Malone or Brian shaw are u kidding me, wow, good luck winning wit Dat team Dwite Howard.”

Jacque Vaughn Magic (Image: TSN.ca)

Post from: EveryJoe
