Ive realized that people who like GSP, Anderson Silva, and Brock Lesnar


New member
Sep 1, 2008
know nothing about MMA.? Its true. Dudes who are always kissing the asses of GSP Silva and Lesnar don't know crap about MMA. Those are the three main "bandwagon" fighters. Meaning, if you only know who those fighters are you are not a MMA fan. If you don't know anything about Strikforce, Pride, WEC, M1, or any other organization stfu. I hate dudes who only know the mainstream fighters and then pretend to be this huge freaking fan. I just got into an argument with a dude about GSP and Nick Diaz. The dude knew absolutely nothing about Diaz. He didn't even know anything about GSP and was saying that he was going to "demolish him". I asked him if he even knew what GSPs record was and who the last guy he fought was and he couldn't even tell me. Fake MMA fans suck.
Best Welterweight now is Rory Macdonald!

He moved himself in my top 3 favorite Fighters. I have been a huge GSP fan but GSP isnt the fighter he was to climb to the top.

Top Five Favorite MMA Fighters
1) Vitor Belfort
2) Chris Leben
3) Rory Macdonald
4) Tito Ortiz (in his prime)
5) Chad Mendez
GSP and Anderson Silva are the best fighters in MMA. People like them because they want to see the "best". Nick Diaz is nothing compared to GSP, so why watch him? When people watch anything, they want the best.
GSP and Anderson Silva are the best fighters in MMA. People like them because they want to see the "best". Nick Diaz is nothing compared to GSP, so why watch him? When people watch anything, they want the best.
Well "The Dude" was right. GSP is going to demolish him. He even said so which is very unlike GSP.
Do you have some question about anything?
This is a just a rant.
And (excuse me Frank)
There's one thing for sure, this has nothing to do with martial arts.