Ive just bled heavily after sex! im shaking typing this help please?!?


New member
Aug 4, 2008
ive just bled quite alot after having sex standing up, i said it was uncomfortable so he stopped and there was blood like i was on a heavy period. its not stopped now its just the odd bits of blood on the tissue.
what does this mean is it dangerous? im actually really scared now.

If you are bleeding, go to the emergency room NOW. Call an ambulance if you need to or get your friend to take you.
Please calm down, any bleeding will be made worse by tensing up and worrying about it.
Perhaps he took the rest of your viginity? Perhaps he tore something or the worse thing an STI (doubt it though by your symptoms)
Go to docs asap, and dont worry. Just keep an eye on it- there is nothing you can do now is there?
You could have just started your period again, or if that was the first time you've had sex it could be that your hymen tore. If neither is true, then schedule an appointment with a gynecologist because it could be more serious.