I've been smoking a year (about to quit) but it gave me lines/wrinkles under my eyes


New member
Oct 16, 2008
and i'm only 21? I'm quitting because i wanna get healthy and not age faster. i have naturally younger looks. I'm aware they won't go away, but what can i do to get back my young looking face i had before smoking gave me these fucking lines. I'm a dude if it matters. Not gay just dont dig the wrinkle lines.

what do i eat/do to get my skin healthy again?
the wrinkles are there; not much to do about them now.
yeah, smoking really ages your skin. the good news is that you weren't smoking that long, so your lungs oughta be feeling way better in a month or so. you'll probably also notice you're getting harder again when you get an erection. smoking makes you less hard and less sensitive down there.

good luck
There are 3 simple major rules for a nice and healthy looking skin: Drink enough water(8 cups a day), use moisturizer 2 times a day( best if you use it after washing your face), and never go out in the sun without sunscreen.

Those rules are easy to follow, and they work like a charm, also never forget a healthy diet, here is a link that could help:


and never forget that overuse of products is the biggest mistake people make in their skincare regimens, keep it simple.