Its more like a poll tbh...if Israel bombed Palestine with Nukes would the U.S not


Active member
Sep 3, 2007
object? Tbh im just a normal guy...just read abit on the ship incident , saw it on the tele , have a general understanding most news channels are owned by Jews , saw the utube vid of the aid workers hitting the commandos...I cant be bothered to argue the legality of the matter...since everyones minds were pretty much made up b4 they even gathered the facts...

It seems the policy of Pre-emptive attacks have become popular since Bush , so im wondering if Israel judged palestine to be a threat , were they to bomb it thoroughly wud the U.S still support them?

P.S. I wouldve included Britain but i think Cameron is taking a Anti-American policy if I am not mistaken

Pls dont gimme a cheap ans...the nukes wud affect Israel since they are neighbours...u get the jist of the question
Tbh im just a normal guy...just read abit on the ship incident , saw it on the tele , have a general understanding most news channels are owned by Jews , saw the utube vid of the aid workers attacking the commandos...I cant be bothered to argue the legality of the matter...since everyones minds were pretty much made up b4 they even gathered the facts...

It seems the policy of Pre-emptive attacks have become popular since Bush , so im wondering if Israel judged palestine to be a threat , were they to bomb it thoroughly wud the U.S still support them?

P.S. I wouldve included Britain but i think Cameron is taking a Anti-American policy if I am not mistaken

Pls dont gimme a cheap ans...the nukes wud affect Israel since they are neighbours...u get the jist of the question